This is a NES styled arcade game

These graphics are super rad, and those spikes are kinda bad

How to Play


You need to avoid spikes and collect coins, press up space or w to jump. Can you keep up with your dream?















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Congratulations! Your work won 22nd in Scratch Game Jam #3.

Come to the community and get your prize 290NG($0.29).

Hey Games for everyone!

We're excited to announce that our countdown party is just around the corner, and we want YOU to be there! This is your chance to celebrate your hard work and creativity, and to connect with the community.

We'll be chatting about our favorite entries, sharing congratulations, thanks, and good wishes, and of course, giving feedback and suggestions for Scratch Game Jam#4. It's going to be a blast!

We have prepared a special early-bird lottery for you. If you're feeling really brave, why not host your own special event and invite other members of the community to join in?

So don't miss out, come join us and let's make this countdown party one to remember!

(1 edit)

I like your game and the arts but I dont see the connection with the theme

Dear Creator~

We are just two days away from the submission deadline, and besides completing your game's core content, playtesting is also a crucial step. Check out this video from Game Maker's Toolkit

On the day of the Last Day Dash event, you can showcase your work and interact with all the players to get feedback. If you would like to participate in the event or are looking forward to receiving feedback on your work during the event, please reply to this message. We will add your work to the playtest list and send it to the entire community of players.

Welcome to our community and play with us

i will do.

Hey Creators~

Thanks for submitting your awesome work to Scratch Game Jam#3! We're excited to invite you to join us and showcase your work!

Going live and playtesting your game with the community is the best way to promote your creation and receive immediate feedback from the audience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your game and engage with your audience.

have you join our community?

it seems you dont use Gandi IDE for it? why you use it as a title?



how to restart game?

restart the page, i didnt have time to code it in I had to go somewhere last second.

Nice art
